Friday, November 16, 2007

Organic orchestral oompah...

Britain awaits the Vienna Vegetable Orchestra reports Laura Clout in the Daily Telegraph: "They give the phrase 'playing with your food' a whole new meaning"

Food sounding good
...founded in 1998, the 11-strong group carve their produce before every show,They prefer organic produce and use highly sensitive microphones to pick up the subtlest crunch of onion skin or squeak of lettuce leaves." (picture link), and the best bit? They make soup afterwards :-)


Anonymous said...

and who said ...
"if music be the food of love" ?

Anonymous said...

for soup ..:-)
if music be the love of food
if love be the music of food to do some crying over the sound of those onion skins.

Span Ows said...

Hi missbonnielass! Thanks for the comment, I had some pumpkin soup yesterday and today had black-bean and onion soup (homemade!)...and a pizza :-)

Bad luck in the footy - I can truthfully say I cheered for Scotland and Mcfadden should have won it 10 minutes from time...unfortunately the (Spanish!!) ref won the game for WAS that free-kick decision at the end??!!!!

Span Ows said...

...and fruit for afters? See here...oooer...had to stare a bit longer than should be necessary to before my mind focused the image correctly ;-)

Anonymous said...

The footy ... no words I'm afraid ..but some pretty dodgy ref decisions ... next time ... and there will be be!

Charantais..I believe.

Span Ows said... both statements! The 'young Scots' look like a good team...damn, am I really saying this! ;-)

Charantais...indeed, particularly juicy! hehehe

Paul said...

The last line about making soup reminds me of Bill Brysons observation on cows. "To my mind, the only possible pet is a cow. Cows love you. . . . They will listen to your problems and never ask a thing in return. They will be your friends forever. And when you get tired of them, you can kill and eat them. Perfect.”

Span Ows said...

I love no no, not like that...and not like that either!...

I would like a small herd, it's very relaxing to stroll among them and as you say (or BB did) they're good listeners!