Friday, March 12, 2010

Other opposition on offensive...

What a week Nick Clegg is Blairesque as you can be at being all things to all men. Cometh the hour cometh the best chance the Lib Dems ever had?...what, again?

"I recognise now something I did not at the time: that [Margaret Thatcher's] victory over a vested interest, the trade unions, was immensely significant. I don’t want to be churlish: that was an immensely important visceral battle for how Britain is governed."

"What I find so striking is that the spirit — dare I say it — of the battle against the dominance of one vested interest, the trade unions, is exactly the same spirit we need now."

"David Cameron and George Osborne are stoking up fears in the markets, actively trying to destabilise the pound and reduce the Government's ability to borrow... "It's like a protection racket: vote for us or our friends in the City will lay waste to your economy, your savings and your job."

"There is nothing positive in the Conservatives' election strategy..."It's a strategy that is completely negative and without hope, and it's becoming increasingly obvious that people aren't going to fall for it."

"I mean this is a man who seems to repel most people who worked closest with him in his own party. I know Gordon has persuaded himself that this recession has nothing to do with him. It is the biggest sleight of hand in modern British politics. Talk about living in denial. It's almost delusional."

"Am I going to soften my language and views that Gordon Brown is personally responsible for a lot of the economical anxiety and heartache in this country? No."

"This election is part of a big transition from rigid 20th century duopoly, to something different. We don't know what that is, but it's already different, that's the point."

Certainly he is right about the great Margaret and of course he is right about delusional Brown; he could even be right about the big transition but one thing is for sure: this week he has been playing both right and left!

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Paul said...

"I recognise now something I did not at the time: that [Margaret Thatcher's] victory over a vested interest, the trade unions, was immensely significant. I don’t want to be churlish: that was an immensely important visceral battle for how Britain is governed."

And I don't want to be churlish but the Sainted Margaret and Michael Heseltine were the people responsible for beginning the redtape mountain that Labour followed so gleefully. The unions did a lot of good for this country but unfortunately only their bad work is ever acknowledged.

Span Ows said...

Be that as it may that's not the point: Clegg is playing to the stalls.

Of course Unions have a place and have done great good but everyone knows that "their bad work" is almost always avoidable and the fact that they always seem to be led by wankers with egos just makes it worse.