Sunday, July 21, 2024

Obverting ordurification...

Okay, you may struggle with the meaning of ordurification, mainly because I just made it up, as one can do with flexible languages: what led me to use it was Robert Malone's (yes that one) The "Great Reset" is accelerating "The Great Enshittening".[LINK

If you don't want to know about the meaning of the word, the integration of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion [DEI must DIE!] and 'The Great Reset' etc., then you can jump using THIS LINK to the relevant point of the article: the computer crash Crowdstrike clusterfuck and the whole Democrat, DNC, Trump. Russia collusion, voting machine manipulation conspiracy cluster comes back into focus. 

Perfect timing. And who's to say the whole Trump assassination attempt isn't tightly interwoven.

For subscriber's to Robert's Substack he follows that with a great essay that is well worth your time: Harold Robertson's Complex Systems Won’t Survive the Competence Crisis (Published by Palladium Magazine June 1, 2023 [LINK]); it begins: "At a casual glance, the recent cascades of American disasters might seem unrelated."...
The path of least resistance will be the devolution of complex systems and the reduction in the quality of life that entails.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Otiose oppression of oncoming Oval Office occupant...

Not late to this just not 'on the blog' and reading a million pieces on the biggest news for ages (and not watching football either)... "Had Trump not turned his head at the last millisecond, the bullet would have gone right through his head.

"Trump Must be Stopped, They Said. Notable are the calls to "stop Trump by any means" that came from the highest level of our political decision-making" [Igor's Substack

"Initial media reports included many ridiculous headlines – the worst of them this utter failure by CNN" ("Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally") [eugyppius: a plague chronicle]. 

He also mentions the VARIOUS outlets with an obviously coordinated and insanely ridiculous 'loud noises' headlines [DogeDesigner shows more]. The fact that it was so obviously coordinated after such an event is more sinister IMHO. 

And, mirroring the shite that happens after every Muslim terrorist event (no, obviously NOT saying it was that!) we see the lefty arseholes spouting that the big problem now will be retaliation from the Right [Tim Graham on Twitter on the CBS cunty shit-stirrers] "On CBS, Margaret Brennan and Samantha Vinograd talk up "retaliatory violence" from right-wingers, and then we hear of January 6. Knew this line was coming....". 

And last but not least today's Must Reads form The Naked Emperor: Trump Assassination Attempt Special

The lefty media (most of MSM) and their followers really are complete fucking wankers. Hoping this has decided the POTUS election once and for all. The TDS sufferers must be on Plan F by now.

Plus HTF did this happen anyway? Total and incredible incompetence of the security, or complicity? There are no other alternatives. 

[Update] LOL; trying to show (not hard to do) just how fucking nauseating, and bias, and crap the MSM are; and not even one of the Elon parody accounts:

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Obtenebrate overview of oncoming oneirodynia...

The main bit I did miss out in my last post (well I hope that is a misnomer!), not intentionally nor through any sense of not wanting to tar a certain community, was the rise of the religious faction politically. Yes, that community, and the sad day's anniversary when four 'ordinary British citizens' got excited, is just a coincidence. No, really. 

The Frank Report, as well as a good all round humorous overview of the election, says this:
"Least reported (quelle surprise) was the Muslim vote, which has now firmly breached the surface and looks set to disavow its parasitic dependence on Labour. While not quite as influential as predicted, this should worry everyone. Although there is a certain delicious irony watching those who lit the multicultural fuse coming face-to-face with the consequences. Misandrist hags like Jess Phillips, who narrowly held onto her Birmingham Yardley seat after a challenge from a ‘pro-Gaza’ candidate (as I believe the euphemism currently goes)..." ...there's more. 

He's right. This SHOULD worry everyone, but look over there...a squirrel!

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Ocracy obiter...

Had enough yet? All the banal claptrap spewing from the main stream media? Back in the day I would have written a dozen posts on the UK General Election , now others do it all and much better than yours truly. 

It is also interesting to note that the core of the Substack's I read, completely understand what has just happened. And what didn't happen. The Naked Emperor asks you to Meet the New Boss...The Bad Cat ("the fall of the center right and why you should be glad"), who also quotes eugyppius: "The centre-right is dying a slow death. It is an epochal change for politics across the West.

All great and informed reads. "The Uniparty is dead, long live the Uniparty". Not bad for a bunch of foreigners ;-) 

  • Lowest combined vote share of Conservatives and Labour for over 100 years. 
  • Lowest number of Conservative Party seats won for TWO hundred years. 
  • Labour got fewer votes than under Jeremy 'worst result since the 30s' Corbyn in [edit 1800hrs]: 2019 They "won just 33.8% of the vote, far less than Jeremy Corbyn’s 40% when he lost to Theresa May in 2017 and just 1.7% up on Corbyn’s 2019 loss to Boris Johnson." (but 209 more seats: 411 total). 
  • Lib Dems (not Liberal or Democrat) got fewer votes than under great-norks Swinson (oooh matron) in 2019 (but 61 more seats: 71 total). 
  • Farage (Reform UK) once again, repeating the Brexit party success, got 4 million votes (3rd largest number) but only 4 (FOUR) seats.
BOB cartoons: "Tosser". [LINK]

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Opposition opening...

Yes, I am still alive; yes I wish I was blogging more. And yes there will be an opening for some decent U.K. Parliament 'Opposition' soon. It is simply too boring these days to get wound up about the tsunami of shit we are being asked to swallow or at least wade it. Today we can be pretty sure of one thing, Conservatives will be in opposition. 

Anyhoo...I discovered a new website (it may NOT be new, I mean I only just found it): The New Conservative where Alastair MacMillan writes about there being more reasons not to vote for the current shite outfit. In the 'About' page is exactly what I wish 'The Conservative Party' were (who are not conservative, Conservative or even remotely 'right wing'): 
  • Government’s first duty to protect the citizenry 
  • Unequivocal freedom of speech 
  • Border control Fiscal responsibility 
  • The state as servant, not master 
  • The law applied without fear or favour 
  • Low taxes 
  • An end to grooming gangs & their cover-ups 
  • A robust response to charlatan wokery 
  • Economic stability before Green virtue-signalling 
Look at that! Hoorah! I could add a few things - e.g. en end to postal votes except for the previous sensible exemptions [military, disabled...] but what a start, actually being what the blue wing of the Uniparty should be.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Oppressed obedience...

Great article from the bad cat: [LINK
how we got to here 
how moral relativism destroyed sanity and how objectivity can bring it back [sic] 

"all this division and vilification and rage farming is coming from somewhere, and it really is new over the last 15 years or so."
"it's an iterative negative sum game where to stay on top, you always need to be "more oppressed than thou" and so it rapidly selects for the most broken, damaged, and bereft people and shunts them to the top by acting as though they are somehow virtuous for being disastrous human failures."
  i mean, how can that possibly end save the calamity of rule by the mentally ill?

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Obscurantism: othering others II...

A quick follow up on yesterday re the Google AI project Gemini. It isn't only grossly racist, surprise surprise it is also a lefty twat censorship monster. 

It is patently a danger to freedom of speech and most definitely a censorship mis/disinformation beast: look at the Twitter thread from Texas Lindsay. It is also obvious that this is not a bug but a feature.

"Google’s Gemini AI isn’t just bias, it’s broken. Its responses are extremely offensive & arguably slanderous at times. Today, I tested it using it the exact same prompt each time, only changing names & these were the results." [sic]
That is the most obvious one but ALL are just as biased. Apologies if you do not follow politics across the pond.

Google's AI principles say that [2023 PDF] AI should avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias, also not to deceive users or misrepresent facts. Gemini itself says it is unable to generate responses that are biased or unfair...not working out too well, certainly the bias and censorship is a clear and present danger to any fair-minded person.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Othering others...

"The nightmare feeling caused by the disappearance of objective truth." 
Othering others, "WTF?!" would be a normal reaction. But oh my fucking GOD this is worse: Google are very, very dangerous, evil fuckwits. "Don't be evil" has become 'we are the definition of evil and fuck you whitey'. They are far more than Big Brother [quote above from this link, added 1600hrs] ever was, they have literal global cover, immense power. Their Gemini/AI is really scary. [Link to Twitter]

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


It appears the UK Government's Office for National statistics (ONS) doesn't care what it looks like; I guess they know none of them will ever suffer any consequences: "We've led the development of a new method for estimating the number of excess deaths across UK countries". [ONS Twitter Link]. 

I BET you have, and I bet we all know why! Lots of number crunching going on [The Rustler on Twitter] but whichever way you look at it it doesn't look good for transparency and the Government hiding the stench of being directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths of their own citizens...hmmm, OOTW? 

When you look at the last few 'pandemic' years [and The Naked Emperor has done that] it is 2023 that gets the whopping lie: almost 66% of deaths disappear under the new method: excess deaths are down from 31,442 to 10,994! Both 2020 and 2021 also change but are only down by about 10%, that said, with much larger numbers dying. And 2022 is in fact 11% higher under the new method.
If you look at the previous five years to 2020 it is even more interesting: before that the numbers were low-ish and irregular, up and down, but from 2015 (see red box in image below) they were consistently much, much higher: 115,102 over the five years (2015-2019). Look at the numbers AFTER using the new method: a total of...wait for it: 838

The much lower deaths of 2019 are now negative: "2019 saw excess deaths drop from 6,006 to -34,408, a drop of over 40,000.

Even before all this I suspected that the mild death total for 2019 made up a large part of the the first COVID wave of death in Spring 2020, the 'dry tinder' effect. But why would they want to make it look like their ludicrous pandemic actions of lockdowns etc., were even less necessary? After all, now, with this new method we have over half the 2020 excess 'explained away' due to ultra low 2019 excess deaths...why would they want that? Like I've said before and above, it would be the lesser of two evils: admitting lockdowns weren't necessary and in fact caused misery and death...'oh dear, we're sorry and lessons will be learnt'. 
Sounds bad, BUT that is a lot better than admitting to the HUGE amount of death they really are DIRECTLY responsible for. 

Sunday, February 04, 2024

Ontario's Orangeville Otters outrage...

First things first: a man cannot be a women, ever. Or vice versa. No amount of hormones or operations can do that. This story from December last year but I only read about it today. "A 50-year-old professor has been allowed to identify himself into a swimming league for schoolgirls".
Hat-tip: Dr. Lidiya Angelova's Substack Genuine Prospect
Source: [SP¡KED] from last week. 

On immediate reading you'd be forgiven for asking are Swimming Canada and Swim Ontario child abusers? Are they paedophiles? There can be NO other reason they would both think it's okay for an adult man to compete against teenage girls in swimming:  "Swimming Canada and SO believe swimming is for everyone." [Swim Ontario Statement]. 

FFS! Great, we all think that too but clearly they don't think teenage girls have the right to compete only against other teenage girls.

No doubt you know-who would approve: 'Only one oasis': 'just a waterhole', or juste en trou d'eau in French, which of course is Justin Trudeau (I'll get my coat...).

Image by BOB