Sunday, March 23, 2014

Often overlooked...

Oh well, springing to the defence of A.C.E. Wenger again: yesterday's 6-0 trouncing in AWs 1000th game as manager of Arsenal was a bitter pill and has brought out all the bile and shit again; amazingly - as any footy statistician now knows - 50 percent of the EPL goals Arsenal have conceded this season have been in just 3 away games; what's more, all 3 were early kick-offs, hmmm. However, as I have written before, Arsene Wenger has overseen a team that for 17 seasons has averaged better than 3rd position (2.65); for 17 seasons the club has had European football with only Real Madrid beating Arsenal for consecutive seasons reaching the 2nd stage of the Champions League ...and, the cherry on the top is the table below (obviously AF had more than 1000 games at Manure but the comparison is with the first thousand). [edited 23/03/14] These are all things a whinging Portuguese parvenu - at a club that has had 12 managers in the same time - whose minions cherry-pick clubs for him to move on to as he is too scared to hang around for too long at the same club for fear of failure, can only dream of...oh well, feeling better this morning..

Often overlooked...

Oh well, springing to the defence of A.C.E. Wenger again: yesterday's 6-0 trouncing in AWs 1000th game as manager of Arsenal was a bitter pill and has brought out all the bile and shit again; amazingly - as any footy statistician now knows - 50 percent of the EPL goals Arsenal have conceded this season have been in just 3 away games; what's more, all 3 were early kick-offs, hmmm. However, as I have written before, Arsene Wenger has overseen a team that for 17 seasons has averaged better than 3rd position (2.65); for 17 seasons the club has had European football with only Real Madrid beating Arsenal for consecutive seasons reaching the 2nd stage of the Champions League ...and, the cherry on the top is the table below (obviously AF had more than 1000 games at Manure but the comparison is with the first thousand). [edited 23/03/14] These are all things a whinging Portuguese parvenu - at a club that has had 12 managers in the same time - whose minions cherry-pick clubs for him to move on to as he is too scared to hang around for too long at the same club for fear of failure, can only dream of...oh well, feeling better this morning..

Saturday, March 22, 2014

OAS/OEA opaque obloquy...

Well it's not opaque really, it is clear as crystal: the OAS is corrupt, emasculated, inept and as about as much use as a chocolate teapot; in fact not even that because at least you could eat the teapot. "La OEA silencia a la oposiciĆ³n venezolana" [La Nacion, Spanish] , "Permanent Council of the OAS silences Venezuelan opposition" [El Pais, English]. "We do it for transparency" said the sinister fuckwit Venezuelan representative Roy Chaderton {facepalm}; you may remember him calling other delegates mentally ill. Argentine ambassador Nilda Garre said "There is need for us to discuss this"; her being Kristina's bitch you'd expect nothing else. Brazilian ambassador Breno Dias da Costa missed his own irony by "We don't need to allow the OAS to become a circus", oops too late Breno, you just did.

Another point, albeit moot: is it 'fair' that Antigua and Barbuda (pop. 82,000) has the same vote equivalence as Mexico? Or that Saint Nevis and St. Kitts (pop. 52,000) has the same vote as the USA or Colombia or Canada?

OAS/OEA opaque obloquy...

Well it's not opaque really, it is clear as crystal: the OAS is corrupt, emasculated, inept and as about as much use as a chocolate teapot; in fact not even that because at least you could eat the teapot. "La OEA silencia a la oposiciĆ³n venezolana" [La Nacion, Spanish] , "Permanent Council of the OAS silences Venezuelan opposition" [El Pais, English]. "We do it for transparency" said the sinister fuckwit Venezuelan representative Roy Chaderton {facepalm}; you may remember him calling other delegates mentally ill. Argentine ambassador Nilda Garre said "There is need for us to discuss this"; her being Kristina's bitch you'd expect nothing else. Brazilian ambassador Breno Dias da Costa missed his own irony by "We don't need to allow the OAS to become a circus", oops too late Breno, you just did.

Another point, albeit moot: is it 'fair' that Antigua and Barbuda (pop. 82,000) has the same vote equivalence as Mexico? Or that Saint Nevis and St. Kitts (pop. 52,000) has the same vote as the USA or Colombia or Canada?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Obscurantist Owen's obstrobogulous offensive...

Offensive in more ways than one: on the one hand his attack is using the exact tactic he claims 'the Right' are using by his ludicrous statement that "the claim of [BBC] 'liberal bias' is a clever fairy-tale that allows the right to police the corporation and set the wider political agenda and on the other hand such overt stupidity is offensive to almost anyone. naturally the exact opposite is true: his headline

in the Guardian is "It's the BBC's right-wing bias that is the threat to democracy and journalism" (no, stop laughing, he did write that!) yet the blatant, continuous and worsening left-wing bias is certainly a threat to democracy (e.g. its chronic pro EU stance) and journalism (how much more omission, lies and agenda-setting can it possibly get away with?). He states "The truth is the BBC is stacked full of right-wingers" and then, most amusingly, goes on to list all of 7 people that include only one 'real' right-winger but also the old chestnut ("was chairman of the Young Conservatives" [sic]) Nick Robinson and wetter than wet Chris Patton: I hazard a guess that Owen himself is more right-wing than Chris Patten. I've been trying to read the comments but already at 1333 the system has probably crashed (well, I can't access it to add my tuppenyworth).

Off on a tangent, the picture I use is intentional: I wonder what his thoughts are now on threats to democracy and journalism in Venezuela...and after reading this I suggest he find out about Venezuela first. 

Obscurantist Owen's obstrobogulous offensive...

Offensive in more ways than one: on the one hand his attack is using the exact tactic he claims 'the Right' are using by his ludicrous statement that "the claim of [BBC] 'liberal bias' is a clever fairy-tale that allows the right to police the corporation and set the wider political agenda and on the other hand such overt stupidity is offensive to almost anyone. naturally the exact opposite is true: his headline in the Guardian is "It's the BBC's right-wing bias that is the threat to democracy and journalism" (no, stop laughing, he did write that!) yet the blatant, continuous and worsening left-wing bias is certainly a threat to democracy (e.g. its chronic pro EU stance) and journalism (how much more omission, lies and agenda-setting can it possibly get away with?). He states "The truth is the BBC is stacked full of right-wingers" and then, most amusingly, goes on to list all of 7 people that include only one 'real' right-winger but also the old chestnut ("was chairman of the Young Conservatives" [sic]) Nick Robinson and wetter than wet Chris Patton: I hazard a guess that Owen himself is more right-wing than Chris Patten. I've been trying to read the comments but already at 1333 the system has probably crashed (well, I can't access it to add my tuppenyworth).

Off on a tangent, the picture I use is intentional: I wonder what his thoughts are now on threats to democracy and journalism in Venezuela...and after reading this I suggest he find out about Venezuela first. 

Offices of orifices...

LOL. At the risk of sounding cynical, the UK in common with rest of EU didn't seem to mind the violent coup d'etat in Kiev (caused partly accidentally on purpose by the same EU) and how could we possible expect them to recognise a fair referendum: the UK won't let it's own people have one and the EU only accepts the results it likes.

Offices of orifices...

LOL. At the risk of sounding cynical, the UK in common with rest of EU didn't seem to mind the violent coup d'etat in Kiev (caused partly accidentally on purpose by the same EU) and how could we possible expect them to recognise a fair referendum: the UK won't let it's own people have one and the EU only accepts the results it likes.

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Omnipresent opposition overview...

Another graph, just to add to these as a reminder, from Migration Watch. And of course in case you get your main news from the BBC and wondered why they were suddenly interested in immigration numbers; it's all very well them giving time to New Labour idiots to pontificate on government targets but they weren't interested for 15 years or when in 1997 New Labour tripled net immigration (it hasn't come down since). And in case you were confused by the deliberately misleading graph here the one on the left in this blogpost (click to enlarge) gives the real context; also see more context HERE from page 6 of the Office for National Statistics publication [pdf file], for some reason the BBC thought 2003 was a good start point, can't think why, can you?

Omnipresent opposition overview...

Another graph, just to add to these as a reminder, from Migration Watch. And of course in case you get your main news from the BBC and wondered why they were suddenly interested in immigration numbers; it's all very well them giving time to New Labour idiots to pontificate on government targets but they weren't interested for 15 years or when in 1997 New Labour tripled net immigration (it hasn't come down since). And in case you were confused by the deliberately misleading graph here the one on the left in this blogpost (click to enlarge) gives the real context; also see more context HERE from page 6 of the Office for National Statistics publication [pdf file], for some reason the BBC thought 2003 was a good start point, can't think why, can you?