Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Ows observation...

I just happened to notice something about Tamara Mellon's sofa. Guido posted the rather nice image that I copy here mentioning that she is among UK business envoys accompanying David Cameron to China. And why not: she is co-founder, president and chief creative officer of Jimmy Choo shoes and back in June was made an OBE (Officer of the British Empire) in recognition of her contributions to the fashion industry [exhibit A]. Anyway, the image above was taken by Terry Richardson for Interview Magazine back in April but since then Tamara has had Douglas Friedman for Harper's Bazaar in to take some shots too [exhibit B]...she has about 400 pairs of shoes in her closet by the way! Anyway, same sofa in all three images!!...of course It wasn't just the sofa I noticed, that cute pussy looks so cosy and relaxed.

P.S. Speaking of Choo, just remembered a really funny Spanish joke about Pamela Choo...yes, Ows has been drinking.

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