Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ordinary opinion...

Much to my pleasant surprise, Hugo seems to have become more human since getting ill: last night he blamed the ref for Venezuela's failure to beat Paraguay in the second semi-final of the Copa America. "In my modest opinion, based on observable facts, THEY ROBBED US OF THE VICTORY GOAL! And I hope that with that I don't offend anyone" [Link in English]. Needless to say he is wrong: there were two players offside, one was right in front of the goalie. That said I wanted Venezuela in the final not least because (1) they deserved it (2) my connection with the country and (3) because Paraguay haven't actually won a game 'in the usual way' yet!...Larissa's made that promise again not that she's worried either way.

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Paul said...

and also because Venezuela have been putting money into grass roots football like the other poorer relations of South America.

Paul said...

p.s - the break has certainly improved Hugo's look hasn't it.

Span Ows said... both comments! I have changed the last link to your story on Larissa, I did look last night but your archives are now done daily and I didn't want to trawl through several; I checked the date just now. Sorted.

Paul said...

Thanks for the link - wonder if she's got that mobile phone contract yet.

The Great Gildersleeve said...

I think I could get interested in football again...

No, I think I'd be more loikely to watch Larissa than what's happening on the pitch.

Span Ows said...

Hi Gildy, judging by most of the games you won't be alone as the football has been lacking to say the least!

The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm sure in previous years these games were shown on the BBC but not seemingly this time(maybe because of budget restraints)or perhaps Sky or ESPN have bought the rights. It wouldn't surprise me.