Monday, August 15, 2011

Occasional outstanding opinons of others...

Another outstanding blog, almost literally because the author is Edmund Standing. His latest article, Black Britain: Broken by the Left. Don't read it if you're a do-goody, 'politically correct', lefty moralist or if you think the Left is coin a phrase. "...the usual predictable attacks on public sector cuts, as though in the short period since the Coalition took over after years of Labour rule what is in fact a serious and deeply entrenched problem suddenly sprang out of nowhere." However, IMHO it hasn't all happened since 1997 either but - there's always a 'but' - "it's time [the Left] took a step back and reflected long and hard on what they have done."

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Paul said...

I think everbody is jumping on the 'these are Blair's children' bandwagon without actually considering that 99.99% of the population weren't part of the riots and that given that the most deprived areas of this country are populated by blacks it was always going to be more blacks involved.

There's often a lot of strokey beard moments when we are confronted by something we don't understand and I think the question should be why not who.

Anyway I must get on with knitting , this porridge won't make itself you know.

Paul said...

actually I think the right come out of Edmund's article pretty poorly as well, where have they been whilst this has been happening?

Span Ows said...

Damn right! DC is a bit too lefty anyway hehehe but nobody can complain if they're sat by watching and saying nothing. And re the speech yesterday we will see if ACTIONS follow the good words.

Span Ows said...

P.S. Laughed out loud at the knitting porridge...