Monday, September 19, 2011

Out, OUT or out...

The British allergy continues but is the 'British federasty' really dead? I would take the news that 120 Conservative MP eurosceptics want a 'clear plan' with a large pinch of salt; more HERE: "Holed below the waterline."

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Paul said...

It was 140 last week, obviously some aren't as sceptical as they thought they were!

This is why the Lib-Dems have the Conservatives over a barrel at the moment unless call me Dave decides to call their bluff and call an election which he doesn't have to do so he must just grin and bare it for a few more years.

Span Ows said...

Interesting thought though: how would a GE go? 'none of the above' party getting stronger I would think.

Span Ows said...

P.S....just noticed: it would be great if he did grin and BARE it (mooning whomever he finds behind him!)