Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Overdue ovation...

Bojo's mojo? He does seem to have livened up the proceedings at the Conservative Conference. Rhubarb or Viagra? I presume Melanie's opinion is shared by any 'real' conservative Conservative; he is also perfectly placed - being 'outside' the Coalition - to swoop; if he does, will he pick his time well? And I wonder what was in DC's mind as joked last night and as one that led the ovation for Boris today.

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Paul said...

"They cheered when Boris said that anyone who swore at the police could expect to be arrested"

Was that because like him they haven't heard of Section 5 of the Public Order act which is used by the Police all over the country on Friday and Saturday nights?

I like Boris as a person and I think he's got some good ideas but I can't imagine him as PM.

Span Ows said...

I sincerely hope he gets nowhere near PM but there are many that want it.

Paul said...

I watched this again this morning - the BBC Parliament channel are showing the conference again for those who were there but couldn't remember any of it. Boris had them eating out of his hands, even his poor jokes were lapped up - it was like watching one of those Mary Whitehouse events from the 1960's. Thought his comments about the Tottenham riots were in bad taste until I realised I'd made the same joke at the time! Oops