Friday, November 04, 2011

Outraged of Oxford...

Why should it be Cambridge? Ah, I see, the population of said city. Oxfordians will be outraged because in fact the number in question** is almost exactly half way between the populations of Oxford and Cambridge...but I digress: outraged anyway because it seems 98,000 asylum seekers who cannot be found (FFS!) and 26,000 immigration cases have been swept under the carpet. New Labour let them in but the Coalition seem to have decided they don't want to/can't do anything about them. Not good enough!

** A total of 124,000...a whole city's worth...think about that.

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Paul said...

Cambridge can replace Belgium, Wales and Football pitches as internationally recognised standards of measurement.

Span Ows said...

Baldinio lives! I presume you're aware your blog was offline for a bit?

Paul said...

Hi Span, yes I took it offline because I was getting pestered by e-mails (not messages) from anonymous coming from my blog.

Span Ows said...

Sorry to hear that; I think Blogger (Google) have let some serious security issues get out of hand over the last few months.