Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Out outers...

Nuts didn't wait long, nor the rest. I think all that is needed is full and fair disclosure of all pay and expenses/pay benefits/bonuses etc, why there need to be cuts/freeze/pension adjustments etc and who it actually effects and by how much and suddenly they will lose any non-aligned support, just as with the housing benefit there were cries of 'thousands of families will be turfed onto the streets' was turned into cries of "how much?!!" as soon as hoi polloi got to know the facts suddenly all the union and Labour rhetoric and spin falls flat on its face. P.S. and many of them are indeed true small-minded cunts. "It shows an ugly side to the hard left who cannot move on from their utter defeat at the hands of this remarkable, but now frail, lady."


Paul said...

I see the Daily Telegraph isn't allowing comments which seems a bit strange.

Span Ows said...

they do that now and again but there seems no logic/pattern to which articles it applies to, maybe no moderators handy!