Thursday, November 29, 2012

Optimus odous II...

In the original optimus odous I asked rhetorically if anyone could still say that the Carcharodon carcharias in the film 'Jaws' didn't look real (I could have asked the same thing here). In the picture below it's a similar tale: decoy seal, sublime predator. Photo credit Dana Allen (Cater News) in False Bay, off Cape Town in South Africa. From the DT picture gallery today. You get the feeling this shark has been pictured before: just imagine it's a dog with a bone: he's looking at the camera and he's smiling!


Paul said...

It does indeed look like its smiling and on first look I thought it was winking too!

Span Ows said...

Impressive jump though; I did think of 'jump the shark' saying before posting!