Friday, April 26, 2013

Obvallated overspend...

"...But what didn't matter was money. No matter which way you looked at it, ‘the level of funding, per se, is almost irrelevant as a predictor or performance", Fraser Nelson in The Spectator on education spending. The UK Department for Education asked Deloitte to study the pupil database factoring in a number of variables: exam results, postcode, ethnicity, poverty...and spending.

What Fraser says is clear: from the report (pdf), Insight 4: "there is no correlation between levels of funding and pupil performance"...oops!

1 comment:

Paul said...

Is this is the bit where I quote Ken Clarke for about the thousandth time - or the second time in a week? As one of the comments on the Spectator points out - spending (is) not a remotely significant variable. Neither is spending 'investment' if nobody has bothered to find out what impact that 'investment' will have - basic economics lost for political gain - shocking.