Another excellent post from Raedwald this morning about UK opinions on a burka ban: "The ban would enjoy wider support if it were not portrayed as a racist assault on Moslems rather than a measure to ensure equity, justice and fairness."
"The Hijab and Chadoor (1 and 2 above) are really no different to a nun's wimple - or to the sight of all women in a catholic church wearing headscarves to cover their hair, a sight I remember well from youth. However, it is the Niqab and the Burka (3 and 4) that cause real problems. What is the biggest cohort of unemployed persons in Britain? Moslem women. The unemployment rate - and therefore poverty, disadvantage, poor health, disease, deprivation and exclusion - amongst Moslem women is sky-high."...
Interestingly - from the Telegraph link in Raedwald's post - the poll findings were almost along Brexit lines: "The only age group to oppose a ban was the 18-24-year-olds, while all others were in favour, with the oldest 65+ group backing the prohibition by an overwhelming 78 per cent to 12". Yet another reason to keep those under 25 years old from being allowed to vote. :-)
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