Saturday, June 10, 2017

Ochlocracy oneirodynia...

Picture credit: Rex in the Metro
Imagine government by mob, it would be a nightmare. We saw how lefty groups couldn't take the Brexit vote and we saw it with Trump in the USA: these days many 'of the Left' don't seem to understand how democracy works.

Yesterday in London there were more "Deniers of Democracy" in an anti-Theresa May demonstration at Downing Street despite the Conservative Party easily (albeit an unexpected disappointment in terms of seat numbers) winning the election, "Demonstrators chanting with megaphones have been joined by Lily Allen this evening as they refuse to accept the Conservative win".

More HERE, yes, it's the usual suspects (see link and image). Thought this was interesting: putting the "disaster" of this week in perspective: highest ever UK GE winning vote counts:

  1. John Major 14,093,007 (1992) 41.9% 
  2. Margaret Thatcher 13,760,935 (1987) 42.2% 
  3. Margaret Thatcher 13,697,923 (1979) 43.9% 
  4. Theresa May 13,667,213 (2017) 42.4% 
  5. Tony Blair 13,518,167 (1997) 43.2%

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