Thursday, December 13, 2018

Outing obvious overturns...

I liked Guido's newspaper montage today: "In a sign of just how much the British media landscape has changed since the referendum, the only two papers to come out fighting for May are the Mail and the Express – both instructing restive Tory MPs to 'now just let her get on with' it." They are also the only two newspapers blatantly targeted by TPTB as essential to change the Remoaner fortunes, comparing the headlines and editorials now to a year or two ago is stunning; all it has done however is mark them as establishment has-beens and their readership in free-fall. They will try to claim they are 'Tory supporting' and that their pathetic 180 degree about-face on Brexit is only about 'stopping Corbyn'. No, wrong: it is part of the clear establishment globalist support May's treasonous deal/stop-Brexit shite-fest and they will suffer for it.

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