Friday, January 17, 2020

Ouch! Obvious objections...

Patently obvious but STILL being ignored by ALL the Labour Party leadership candidates. Nearly three-quarters of YOUR voters, asked in a YouGov poll, who switched to The Conservative Party say it is you - the party - "who left them" (first graph) clearly Brexit being the major factor;  NONE of the candidates have fully admitted this yet; it is really so obvious. So obvious in fact (2nd graph) that there was only 3% "Don't Knows" in the poll for the question of "Why?"Amazing. Equally incredible (3rd graph) that 90% of these voters had an unfavourable (or somewhat unfavourable) opinion of Jeremy Corby. Graphs below from first YouGov (Twitter), then The Times (sign up) and last but by no means least, Guido.

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