Monday, October 12, 2020

Obmutescent over Obama's olid occamy...

Generally the media have been silent, complicit, corrupt, deceptive, lying, projecting, deflecting...but slowly the 'no drama Obama' wall of lies is crumbling. Great article over at Conservative Woman today, Donald Forbes re "This rottenness all goes back to Obama". Well worth a read despite a very slight hiccup re THE Donald. Needless to say you'll know my opinion, Obama being near the top of my labels for well over a decade [in fact off topic it is interesting to read some 'old' stuff, from 2007, the first 'YouTube Election']. Anyway, all good stuff and even though he admits it is very doubtful Obama will ever see Justice for his crimes, the word needs spreading. There are at least three scandals that make Watergate look like candyfloss but the disgraceful lying shit-bag media are forever silent, complicit...
"It is unclear how the integrity of American politics recovers from the havoc Obama wreaked, culminating in his use of the government to try to prevent Trump’s election and, when that failed, to destroy his presidency. Everything that happened afterwards – from the Resistance, and Mueller investigation to impeachment – was set in motion by Obama."

Important point: "No president has been scandal-free except, bizarrely, Trump, against whom no criminal accusation or dirty trick has ever been substantiated." 

Obamagate is no longer "allegations" but that is not the worst. The IRS scandal was worse but as you'll know, Benghazigate does it for me.

1 comment:

Span Ows said...

Thanks Raghav...btw, no way is anyone going to click on a hidden link