The point of the image is at the end of the blog-post...if you can't be bothered with all the great info :-)
So just as the sheeple were thinking the restrictions were a thing of the past, just as news that the lack of problems in most Africa seem to be making the news (there are good logical reasons why), just as you booked your Christmas party...da da daaaahhh.. a new deadly variant pops up, and suddenly all over the place (6-10 countries), and is a "variant of concern", WHO...well, viruses going viral, by the time a variant is identified it will have already spread far and beyond where it was identified. Whoda thunk it? Plus of course the new scary deadly more contagious variant is also in - in fact first detected in - the fully vaccinated.
Alastair Cavendish (at British, not what you think!) writes of The Ogre: "Every single institution; the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the courts, the police force, the scientific and medical establishment, the BBC and the rest of the legacy media, is rotten beyond redemption. The known rules of ancient liberty are no longer generally known, let alone observed."
... Experience, however, tells me that [politicians] will not. The type of people who seek power, and who are prepared to lie and flatter and backstab their way to it over decades of ignominy are not likely to leave their better-adjusted fellow citizens in peace."
"The Ogre stalks with hands on hips,
While drivel gushes from his lips..."
While drivel gushes from his lips..."
Dare I quote Julia Hartley-Brewer (on Twitter) re Bozo's press conference and the brave honest timid cowed complicit media: "Every sodding question at this press conference is 'why aren't you going further, bringing in more rules?'"
Also interesting stuff from Michael Curzon, writing on Bournbrook:
"From what we do know so far, this press conference was unnecessary. The ramping up of restrictions, including those relating to masks, is reactionary. But regardless of this, Britons will now be that little bit more scared ...
... whether that be about the ruining of (another) Christmas or a fear of Covid itself, or, of course, both.
Ooh, and by the way – we are told that the measures will be reviewed in three weeks (when the number of Omicron case in Britain will, inevitably, have risen). Do you reckon this review will see restrictions being taken away, or new restrictions being added to the pile?"
Ooh, and by the way – we are told that the measures will be reviewed in three weeks (when the number of Omicron case in Britain will, inevitably, have risen). Do you reckon this review will see restrictions being taken away, or new restrictions being added to the pile?"
Finally, Andrew Lilico in The Spectator: "The tyranny of Boris Johnson’s mask mandate", and don't be fooled, it is very clearly tyranny: "Absent any emergency justification, the imposition on the public is simple tyranny."
"It is not legitimate to restrict our liberties in this way 'just in case'."
"The coronavirus emergency is over – and it has been over for months. There is no plausible justification for introducing mask mandates at this time."The image above suggests SARS CoV 2 has been 'only' endemic for most of this year, certainly positive testing below 5% would suggest that (present but manageable).
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