...from the Naked Emperor's Substack: the "anti-science" 'infinite list'...[LINK]
"Almost three years ago science entered a new dark age."
Well worth a read; feel free to subscribe, just the 'Today's Must Reads' makes it worth it (varied subjects, not just COVID related).
"Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, seems to agree. He has been compiling a list of the examples of anti-science we have unfortunately become used to."
Here's the current tail-end of the list:
39. Ignoring immunity after covid recovery is anti-science;
40. Vaccine mandates have demolished public trust and are anti-science;
41. Pausing childhood vaccination programs and tuberculosis treatment in poor countries because of fear of covid led to many unnecessary deaths and is anti-science;
42. Ignoring legitimate vaccine injury is anti-science;
43. Declaring oneself to be The Science itself is anti-science;
As per Igor's Substack, the grand total for adult bivalent booster testing of using 8 (eight) mice wasn't even reached [update update!: "uncomfortably scant data", "critical lack of information", "we {Pfizer} are not going to be transparent to the American public"...just some of the comments from Dr. Paul Offit, one of the not-consulted a voting members of the FDA panel that approves vaccines talking about the new Covid boosters!]
Adults: eight mice, no advisors consulted
Children: no mice, no testing, no advisors consulted...FFS!
Not unbelievable, just plain old sinister and evil.
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