Friday, May 08, 2020

Options on our own organs; opt-out only...

Not for the first time: ten years ago we discussed the opt-out option. Now a new way to increase the level of organ donantion; Jo Swinson (remember her?) wasn't that happy back then: "An opt-out scheme would create a presumption that the state, in this case the NHS, owns you on death, unless you remember to declare otherwise, and have some system to prove you have done so, either a card, medical records, or a national database."

Well that day is now upon us, or more accurately in less than two weeks. There are exclusions (UK Gov overview) but otherwise you're living in an England with a system of deemed consent for organ donation.

So, 'compulsory donation' you say; also not new, and (over 14 years ago) even theft. This still goes on and as with the Chinese COVID numbers being suspiciously 'calculated', so with organ "donation": "A new report has concluded that figures disclosed by the Chinese Government conform almost precisely to a mathematical formula."systematic falsification and manipulation of official organ transplant datasets.’ [LINK]. One way or another they'll get the organs they need. Could that 'solution' be repeated...closer to home?

Monty Python springs to mind: The Meaning of Life (Part V) Live Organ Transplants, don't do it Mrs. Brown.

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